
Christian Testimony Video | "A Spiritual Battle"

The Lord once said, “Who is my mother?and who are my brethren?”(Matthew 12:48-50). When reading these verses before, I thought that the Lord asked us to detach ourselves from affection and to love each other. Today, I watched a movie about Christian's experience testimony. Being faced with the interest of the church and emotional attachments, the protagonist expels the evildoer from the church according to Almighty God’s word. Although he struggles in emotional attachments during the course, he finally protects the interest of the church, is able to escape the constraints of his feelings, reaches “loves that which God loves, and hates that which He hates”, and bear a witness of fearing God and shunning evil. After watching this video, I had a new understanding of the brothers and sisters mentioned by the Lord: True brothers and sisters not only require us to love each other but practice the truth strictly according to God’s word. Such people are our brothers and sisters. Thank God for letting me have such an understanding. I hope brothers and sisters will be rewarded after watching this video.


Christian Testimony Video | "A Spiritual Battle"


A Spiritual Battle is the testimony of a Christian experiencing the judgment and chastisement of God's words. The protagonist is a church leader who, during an assembly, discovers from reflections shared by his brothers and sisters that his sister-in-law has completely refused to accept the truth and has been disturbing and disrupting church work with various kinds of evil behaviors. He confirms, on the basis of the principle of the truth, that his sister-in-law is an evildoer who should be expelled from the church. However, due to his emotional attachments, he is unable to put the truth into practice and protect the work of the church, and he even takes his sister-in-law's side and speaks for her. After experiencing the painful discipline of illness and the judgment of God's words, he gains some knowledge of God's righteous disposition, and also comes to understand the essence and dangerous consequences of acting out of emotion. Finally, he is able to escape the constraints of his feelings and expel the evildoer from the church, as the truth and principles require, and ultimately gains the sense of peace and security brought by practicing the truth.


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