The main character in An Officer's Repentance was once a simple farmer's son. After joining the army, he quickly starts going along with the unwritten rules in his unit in an effort to obtain status, praise and promotions, fawning on and flattering his superiors, treating them to meals, and buying them gifts. He is promoted up the ladder to battalion commander and begins to walk the path of corruption. He turns over a new leaf after finding faith in God and leaves the army, only to find that he is still bound by Satan's philosophies and laws. In order to become church leader, he once again uses underhanded means, but ends up being exposed and dealt with by the brothers and sisters. He's left distressed and miserable for failing to get the position. Through the judgment and revelation of God's words, he slowly comes to understand the essence and consequences of seeking status, and he begins to pursue the truth and walk the right path in life.
Christian Testimony Video | "An Officer's Repentance"
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