Words of Christ of the Last Days · 29. October 2021
The Church of Almighty God,God's Words
The work of the service-doers was the first step in the work of conquest. Today is the second step in the work of conquest. Why is there also mention of being made perfect in the work of conquest?
Daily Words of God · 28. October 2021
Daily Words of God | "Knowing the Three Stages of God's Work Is the Path to Knowing God" | Excerpt 7
The three stages of work are a record of the entire work of God, they are a record of God’s salvation of mankind, and they are not imaginary.
Testimonies  · 27. October 2021
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
The Lord Jesus taught us, “Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).
Gospel Books · 26. October 2021
The Church of Almighty God,God's Words
We have stepped out of the work of conquest, out of hell, out of the valley of the shadow of death…. Almighty God has gained us, this group of people! He has triumphed over Satan and defeated the multitudes of His enemies!
Variety Show Series · 25. October 2021
Christian Show | "Gathering in a Cowshed" (Skit)
This short sketch Gathering in a Cowshed reveals for you how Christians in China manage to persist in their faith under the persecution of the CCP government.
Gospel Books · 24. October 2021
I Now Know God’s New Name
From then on, I prayed in Almighty God’s name and read His words every day. I was watered by the living waters and attended the feast of the Lamb. Thanks be to Almighty God!
Music Videos · 23. October 2021
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "People Gained by God Have Possessed the Reality of Truth"
God is a practical God: All of His work is practical, All of the words He speaks are practical, And all of the truths He expresses are practical. Everything that is not His words is vacuous, non-existent, and unsound.
Testimonies  · 22. October 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Kingdom Gospel
That will be the time of the end of God’s management plan and it will be when God rewards the good and punishes the wicked. For the judgment of God will have ended before man sees signs, when there is only the expression of truth
Testimonies  · 21. October 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Christian Devotion
“Siyu, in chapters 3 and 22 of Revelation, the Lord Jesus prophesies many times, “I come quickly.” We have been longing for the Lord Jesus to return for so many years, and now He has returned to speak His words and perform a new stage of work …”
Words of Christ of the Last Days · 20. October 2021
God Has Come He Is King
You ought to know that God likes those who are honest. In essence, God is faithful, and so His words can always be trusted; His actions, furthermore, are faultless and unquestionable, which is why God likes those who are absolutely honest with Him.

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