Posts tagged with "God’s Salvation"

Gospel Books · 14. September 2021
The Church of Almighty ,God's Work
From the work of Jehovah to that of Jesus, and from the work of Jesus to that of this current stage, these three stages cover in a continuous thread the entire gamut of God’s management, and they are all the work of one Spirit.
Daily Words of God · 31. August 2021
God’s Daily Word | "The True Story Behind the Work of the Age of Redemption" | Excerpt 23
Though Jesus in His incarnation was utterly without emotion, He always comforted His disciples, provided for them, helped them, and sustained them.
Testimonies  · 04. August 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Christian Devotion
Nowadays, besides working regular hours at my job, I perform my duty in the church to the best of my ability and I spread God’s kingdom gospel alongside my brothers and sisters. I feel this kind of life to be very meaningful and happy.
Gospel Books · 03. August 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Christian Devotion
Thanks and praise be to Almighty God! It is God’s word that has led me step by step to triumph over Satan’s temptations, and in fact I have triumphed over them.
Gospel Books · 06. July 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Pray to God
What’s the key to welcoming the Lord’s coming? The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27). “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6).
Testimonies  · 11. June 2021
The Only Way to Live Like a Real Person
Now I focus on practicing the truth, speaking honestly and living uprightly. Not only have I gained others’ respect and trust, but I personally feel at peace. It’s a wonderful way to live! The small change I’ve undergone now is all thanks to God’s words. Thanks be to Almighty God!
Gospel Books · 07. June 2021
The Church of Almighty God,God's Gospel
Although it hasn’t been long since I accepted Almighty God’s gospel of the kingdom, I feel that in this time I’ve understood more truths than I did in the 20-odd years I believed in God before this. I give thanks to God for His salvation for me!
Gospel Books · 15. January 2021
Coming Home (Part 1)
God's words “If you are a person with a conscience, with humanity, then you would feel warmth, you would feel cared for and loved, and you would feel happiness”
Gospel Books · 21. May 2020
Almighty God says:"Each stage of work done by God has its own practical significance. Back then, when Jesus came, He was male, but this time He is female. From this, you can see that God created both male and female for the sake of His work, and with Him there is no distinction of gender. "
Testimonies of Salvation · 30. March 2020
Looking back over our path, I’m still who I am, and he’s still who he is; it’s just that because we’ve accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days and have understood some truths, absolutely everything has changed. I give thanks to Almighty God for saving us!

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