Posts tagged with "Jesus Return"

Gospel Books · 24. October 2021
I Now Know God’s New Name
From then on, I prayed in Almighty God’s name and read His words every day. I was watered by the living waters and attended the feast of the Lamb. Thanks be to Almighty God!
Testimonies  · 22. October 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Kingdom Gospel
That will be the time of the end of God’s management plan and it will be when God rewards the good and punishes the wicked. For the judgment of God will have ended before man sees signs, when there is only the expression of truth
Testimonies  · 21. October 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Christian Devotion
“Siyu, in chapters 3 and 22 of Revelation, the Lord Jesus prophesies many times, “I come quickly.” We have been longing for the Lord Jesus to return for so many years, and now He has returned to speak His words and perform a new stage of work …”
Gospel Books · 15. October 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Kingdom Gospel
I hope to use my personal experiences to help them to see through Satan’s tricks soon, to break free from the bondage of the rumors and to return before Almighty God—Christ of the last days—and accept His salvation. Thanks be to God!
Testimonies  · 28. September 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Church Life
If I continued to cling to the wrong view that there could be no words or works of God beyond those within the Bible, then I would be apt to lose my chance to welcome the Lord’s return and to commit the exact same mistake as the Pharisees.
Gospel Books · 05. September 2021
God’s Name Is Truly Mysterious
I’ve received a lot of spiritual sustenance. I really feel I’ve been taken up before the throne and attended the Lamb’s feast. I truly give thanks to Almighty God.
Gospel Books · 03. September 2021
Bible Study,Kingdom Gospel
Just as it is prophesied in the Book of Revelation, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
Gospel Books · 29. August 2021
The Church of Almighty God,God's Gospel
I am ready to pursue the truth along with my brothers and sisters, and to seek out how to best fulfill the duties of a creature in order to repay God’s love, for only by living in this way can I have a truly meaningful life!
Gospel Books · 20. August 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Kingdom Gospel
I was completely certain that God has now appeared and is working as Almighty God, and I accepted Almighty God’s name and officially joined The Church of Almighty God. Thanks be to Almighty God for saving me!
Gospel Books · 19. August 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Pray to God
I will never be hostile to You again and I am not willing to let my entire life be ruined by my notions and imaginings. O God! I wish to make a resolution, to cooperate with You and to bring those in the church who truly believe in You back into Your family to make up what I owe You!

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