Posts tagged with "bear testimony to God"

Music Videos · 13. August 2021
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "Only Those Who Practice the Truth Can Bear Witness in Trials"
If you wish to stand firm in the future, To seek God’s satisfaction, and follow Him to the road’s end, You must build a strong foundation, Practice truth in all things, Be mindful of His will. If you maintain this practice, In you a foundation builds.
Words of Christ of the Last Days · 07. December 2019
Almighty God says: "You should understand that in the course of being made perfect you will be conquered, and in the course of being conquered you will be made perfect. "
Words of Christ of the Last Days · 04. November 2019
Almighty God says: "The living are those whose spirits have been reborn, who know to obey God, and who are loyal to God. ."