Posts tagged with "the Lord’s Return"

Gospel Books · 09. September 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Christian Devotion
I became convinced that Almighty God is the Lord returned—He is Christ of the last days! I then happily accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. I thank Almighty God for choosing me and saving me.
Gospel Books · 13. July 2021
The Church of Almighty God,Church Life
I became certain that Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned and I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. Thanks be to Almighty God!
Daily Words of God · 12. December 2020
Almighty God's words:"For several thousand years, man has longed to be able to witness the arrival of the Savior. Man has longed to behold Jesus the Savior on a white cloud as He descends, in person, among those who have pined and yearned for Him for thousands of years. "
Gospel Books · 28. August 2020
I thought of the Lord Jesus’ words when He exposed and condemned the Pharisees: “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in” (Matthew 23:13).
Gospel Books · 08. May 2020
Almighty God says:"‘To study such a thing is not difficult, but requires each of us to know this truth: He who is God’s incarnation shall hold the substance of God, and He who is God’s incarnation shall hold the expression of God. "
Gospel Movies · 24. April 2020
Presently, public morals are degenerating with each passing day. The human race is become increasingly evil and depraved. Disasters are occurring frequently around the world. Rarely seen astronomical phenomena are also appearing. The Bible’s prophecies regarding the return of the Lord have basically been fulfilled already.
Variety Show Series · 19. April 2020
What is the wise virgin? Those wise virgins are able to attend the banquet, what secrets do they have? "
God says:"Man knows only that Jesus the Savior is full of love and overflowing with compassion, and that He is the sin offering, filled with redemption. However, man has no idea that He is God Himself, who is brimming with righteousness, majesty, wrath, and judgment, possessed of authority, and full of dignity. "
God says:"Although the story of “God’s salvation of Nineveh” is brief in length, it allows one to glimpse the other side of God’s righteous disposition. "
Music Videos · 06. March 2020
The Lord Jesus once said, “And, behold, I come quickly …”(Revelation 22:12). Many true believers in the Lord have been awaiting the Lord’s return.

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