Church Life Movies

Church Life Movies  · 08. April 2021
Gospel Testimony I "A Pastor's True Colors"
The main character sees that Pastor Li in her church has given up his family and career to work for the Lord, and he's always rushing about and expending himself.
Church Life Movies  · 27. March 2021
Christian Testimony Video | "Faith Means Relying on God"
In November 2016, an elderly Italian brother contacts Cheng Cheng, a Christian from The Church of Almighty God, online, hoping to learn about Almighty God's work.
Church Life Movies  · 14. March 2021
2020 Christian Testimony Video | "Apart From the Bible, Has God Made Utterances?" (English Dubbed)
The main character is a Christian who always believed what her pastor told her, thinking that God's words and work are all in the Bible and going beyond the Bible is heresy.
Church Life Movies  · 15. February 2021
Testimony of Faith Video | "Can You Really Welcome the Lord by Gazing Skyward?"
How does he eventually let go of his notions and accept God's work of the last days? Is it possible to welcome the Lord by just gazing at the sky, without carefully listening for the Lord's voice?
Church Life Movies  · 11. December 2020
How does she make it through the trial of this illness? And how does she reap joy in the end?
Church Life Movies  · 22. September 2020
To what was Lord Jesus ultimately referring, when He said "It is finished" on the cross? Why would God want to express truth during the last days, doing the work of judging and purifying people? Exactly what kind of people can enter the kingdom of heaven?
Church Life Movies  · 26. August 2020
She believes that as long as she cooperates with the treatment and keeps doing her duty, God will surely protect her. But as time goes by, her condition gets worse and worse, and she is in danger of becoming paralyzed at any time. How does she make it through the trial of this illness? And how does she reap joy in the end?
Church Life Movies  · 17. August 2020
Zhou Qingyu is a church leader of good caliber who is competent, has achieved good results in her duty, and has the approval of her brothers and sisters.
Church Life Movies  · 06. August 2020
The main character is a church leader who has given up everything to expend himself for God since becoming a believer. He's been able to suffer and pay a price in his duty, and he has not retreated in the face of trials, so he thinks of himself as devoted to God.
Church Life Movies  · 12. July 2020
In mainland China, thousands upon thousands of Christians are arrested and persecuted by the CCP and undergo unspeakably brutal torture. The main character of this film also has a very close brush with death.

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