Church Life Testimonies

Church Life Testimonies · 19. October 2021
2021 Christian Testimony Video | "In Letting Go of Status, I Am Liberated"
In her later interactions with brothers and sisters, she is able to accept and submit to their helpful suggestions and no longer fights for her own name and benefit. She realizes that doing her duty without being constrained by status is incredibly freeing and relaxing.
Church Life Testimonies · 13. October 2021
2021 Christian Testimony Video | "A Taste of Being an Honest Person"
The Lord Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3).
Church Life Testimonies · 08. October 2021
2020 Christian Testimony Video | "It's So Nice Being Honest" Based on a True Story
Not only is she not punished, she wins her boss's trust, and realizes that practicing being an honest person in accordance with God's words is a great thing indeed!
Church Life Testimonies · 29. September 2021
2020 Christian Testimony Video | "Untying the Heart's Knots"
She feels so remorseful and prays to God and repents. After that, she opens up to Sister Wang in fellowship, and the knots tying her heart are finally undone.
Church Life Testimonies · 20. September 2021
2021 Christian Testimony Video | "Living Out a Human Likeness at Last"
In her duty after that, she becomes able to let go of her own interests and practice the truth, and she comes to feel a sense of ease and peace in her heart.
Church Life Testimonies · 24. August 2021
2020 Christian Testimony Video | "How I Changed My Arrogant Self"
She starts consciously forsaking her arrogant disposition and focuses on seeking the truth. When she puts herself aside and accepts others' opinions, she begins to live out some human likeness.
Church Life Testimonies · 27. July 2021
2021 Christian Testimony Video | "A Show-off No More"
Filled with remorse, he comes before God to pray and repent. What transformation does he undergo, what does he come to understand, and what does he gain? Watch this video to find out.
Church Life Testimonies · 21. July 2021
2020 Christian Testimony Video | "Regarding the Lord's Return, to Whom Should One Listen?"
The main character gets to know a brother and sister from The Church of Almighty God on Facebook, and finds their fellowship new and enlightening.
Church Life Testimonies · 11. July 2021
2021 Christian Testimony Video | "Through Illness My Motive for Blessings Was Revealed"
Through the revelations of God's words, he comes to realize that all the sacrifices he's made in his faith have been to gain blessings, and that he has been trying to cheat and use God. He prays and repents to God, and his illness miraculously comes under control.
Church Life Testimonies · 19. June 2021
2021 Christian Testimony Video | "Now I Can Speak From the Heart" Based on a True Story
While doing his watering duty in the church, Matthew can’t help but notice that Brother James doesn’t follow the principles for arranging gospel work. However, he doesn’t mention it directly, out of fear of offending his brother.

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