Music Videos

Music Videos · 23. October 2021
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "People Gained by God Have Possessed the Reality of Truth"
God is a practical God: All of His work is practical, All of the words He speaks are practical, And all of the truths He expresses are practical. Everything that is not His words is vacuous, non-existent, and unsound.
Music Videos · 14. October 2021
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "What a Believer in God Should Pursue"
From the differencein the substances of Peter and Paul you should understand that all those who do not pursue life labor in vain, All those who do not pursue life labor in vain!
Music Videos · 03. October 2021
Christian Music Video | "Give Your Heart Before God If You Believe in Him" | Chinese Christian Song
Since you believe in God, you must hand over your heart before God. If you offer up and lay your heart before God, Then during refinement it will be impossible for you to deny God, or leave God.
Music Videos · 30. September 2021
2021 English Christian Music Song | "Accept the Judgment of Christ of the Last Days to Be Purified"
You know Jesus shall descend during the last days, But how exactly will He do this? Can a sinner like you, who’s now redeemed but not perfected, be after God’s heart?
Music Videos · 21. September 2021
2021 English Christian Song | "When Mankind Enters the Eternal Destination"
When man enters the eternal destination, Man will worship the Creator. And since man has gained eternal salvation, He will pursue goals no more, And won’t fear being trapped by Satan.
Music Videos · 17. September 2021
English Christian Song Lyrics 2021 | "Why People Fail in Their Faith"
The most basic need for man’s faith in God is an honest heart. He must fully devote every part of himself and truly obey.
Music Videos · 10. September 2021
English Christian Devotional Song With Lyrics | "Peter Knew God Best"
Peter was faithful to God for years, Yet he never had a complaining heart. Even Job was not his equal, Much less saints throughout the ages. He not only sought to know God, But to know Him when Satan schemed.
Music Videos · 04. September 2021
2021 English Christian Song | "God's Judgment Reveal His Righteousness and Holiness"
The words that God’s saying today are to judge people’s sins and unrighteousness, And to curse people’s rebelliousness, And chastise their deceit and their crookedness.
Music Videos · 28. August 2021
A Hymn of God’s Words | "God Became Flesh to Defeat Satan and Save Man"
During this incarnation of God on earth, When He personally does His work among man, All the work He does is done to defeat Satan, And He will defeat Satan through the conquest of man and by making you complete.
Music Videos · 18. August 2021
English Gospel Song With Lyrics 2021 | "Man's Thinking Is Too Conservative"
God’s work always moves forward.Though His purpose never changes, The way He works changes all the time, So those who follow Him are changing too. The more work God performs, The more thoroughly man knows Him.

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