Variety Show Series

Variety Show Series · 25. October 2021
Christian Show | "Gathering in a Cowshed" (Skit)
This short sketch Gathering in a Cowshed reveals for you how Christians in China manage to persist in their faith under the persecution of the CCP government.
Variety Show Series · 10. October 2021
Christian Crosstalk "A Love No Net Can Catch" | Hold Onto Love for God in Persecution
The CCP government may be able to catch their bodies in their net, but they will never get their hearts that aspire to the light and seek to love God.
Variety Show Series · 01. September 2021
Christian Video | "The Land Is a Prison" (Sketch)
How will Yang Huiming fare in the face of such close surveillance and oppression? Please watch The Land Is a Prison to find out.
Variety Show Series · 23. May 2021
2021 Christian Video | "Do You Know About Eastern Lightning?" (Sketch)
Disasters are growing and the prophecies of the Lord's coming have been fulfilled, but the religious world still hasn't welcomed the Lord. Only Eastern Lightning has been bearing witness that the Lord Jesus has returned as Almighty God incarnate.
Variety Show Series · 23. April 2021
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "Only by Living Out Reality Can You Bear Witness"
People with truth are those who, in experience, stand firm in testimony, firm in their position, on the side of God, without ever retreating, obeying God till death, having a normal relationship with those who love God.
Variety Show Series · 25. March 2021
2020 Christian Drama | "Weathering the Storm" (English dubbed)
Zhang Hong'en, once a preacher in a house church, acceHow does God determine if someone is good or evil? Who does God save, who does He eliminate, and who can gain full salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven?
Variety Show Series · 24. February 2021
English Christian Video | "Following the Footsteps of the Lamb" (Crosstalk)
Xiang Yang is confused—the Lord Jesus said "It is finished" on the cross, so surely that means God's work to save mankind is over already? Won't the Lord take believers straight up into His kingdom when He comes?
Variety Show Series · 28. September 2020
Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus said, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17).
Variety Show Series · 14. June 2020
The family of three begin an intense debate about whether gaining salvation can allow one to enter the kingdom of heaven, what kind of people can enter the kingdom of heaven, and related topics …
Variety Show Series · 30. May 2020
The skit The Lord Is Knocking explains how, in the last days, the Lord knocks at the door of our hearts with His words, and that wise virgins can hear God's voice and feast with the Lamb.

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