
2021 English Christian Song | "The Day of God’s Punishment of Man Is at Hand"

2021 English Christian Song | "The Day of God’s Punishment of Man Is at Hand"


Many feel uneasy and restless, for they’ve committed great sins.

Many are ashamed of themselves, for they have never done a good deed.

Yet many feel no remorse, going from bad to worse,

revealing all their evil to test God’s disposition.

God won’t spare the wicked who remain in His house.

For man’s day of punishment is coming near.

God does not cast out these evil souls in haste,

for He has a plan of His own, for He has a plan of His own.


God does not care or pay attention to actions of one person.

Instead, He does the work He should, doing things He pleases.

His work proceeds at key times, not a second too late or too soon;

He proceeds as planned, with dispatch and ease.

God won’t spare the wicked who remain in His house.

For man’s day of punishment is coming near.

God does not cast out these evil souls in haste,

for He has a plan of His own, for He has a plan of His own.


With every step of God’s work, some are cast aside,

for He despises flatterers who fake their servitude.

God will surely forsake the loathsome ones,

wanting all who He despises to stay away.

God won’t spare the wicked who remain in His house.

For man’s day of punishment is coming near.

God does not cast out these evil souls in haste,

for He has a plan of His own, for He has a plan of His own.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs



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