
2021 English Christian Song | "God Blesses Those Who Love Him" | Praise Song

These solo gospel songs will help you learn God’s end-time work, and His love and salvation for man. Watch now. Enjoy these songs with English subtitles which will bring you closer to God.    

2021 English Christian Song | "God Blesses Those Who Love Him" | Praise Song


Verse 1

Those who love God obey Him,

they live before Him always.

With the guidance of His words,

they gain peace and enjoyment.

Those who love God are honest,

practicing the truth they understand.

They always take God’s will to heart,

they fulfill their duty to satisfy Him.


Pre-chorus 1

Those who love God are principled,

using the truth in their views and their actions.

There are no rules and no shackles,

they have entered into a realm of freedom, yeah.



God blesses those who love Him,

His judgment and chastisement

are always alongside them.

They seek the truth and gain the light,

and their corruption is cleansed.

God blesses those who love Him,

they will be truly happy.

Through judgment they gain salvation.

God’s words become their very lives,

His countenance shines upon them.


Verse 2

Those who love God revere Him,

they accept His observation.

Seeking His truth in trials,

they enter truth, testifying.

Those who love God are loyal to Him,

resolute in faith through trials.

They let go of future and fate,

wholeheartedly loving dear Almighty God.


Pre-chorus 2

Those who love God possess the truth,

always bear witness to and glorify God.

Those who love God, they worship Him,

praising His righteousness and His holiness.



God blesses those who love Him,

His judgment and chastisement

are always alongside them.

They seek the truth and gain the light,

and their corruption is cleansed.

God blesses those who love Him,

they will be truly happy.

Through judgment they gain salvation.

God’s words become their very lives,

His countenance shines, His countenance shines upon them.

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