
2020 Christian Music Video | "God Is the Beginning and the End" | English Gospel Song


2020 Christian Music Video | "God Is the Beginning and the End" | English Christian Song


 Verse 1


God becomes flesh, so He may open a new age,


and this means the old has ended.


And each time He comes and works among man,


it means a new battle begins.


If there’s no new work, the old won’t end.


And if the old doesn’t end,


this is proof the battle with Satan still rages on.






God is the Beginning and the End.


It’s He who sets His work in motion,


and it must also be Himself


who comes to end the former age.


That is proof He defeats Satan,


that is proof He conquers the world.


He is the Sower and the Reaper,


God is the Beginning and the End.



Verse 2


If God comes and does new work among man,


only then can man break free from Satan’s domain


and gain a new life and new beginning.


Or man will live in the old age forever,


under Satan’s influence.


Every age God leads sets a part of man free.





And with God’s work man enters a new age.


And when God wins, His followers will too.





God is the Beginning and the End.


It’s He who sets His work in motion,


and it must also be Himself


who comes to end the former age.


That is proof He defeats Satan,


that is proof He conquers the world.


He is the Sower and the Reaper,


God is the Beginning and the End.






With God’s work man enters a new age.


And when God wins, His followers will too.





God is the Beginning and the End.


It’s He who sets His work in motion,


and it must also be Himself


who comes to end the former age.


That is proof He defeats Satan,


that is proof He conquers the world.


He is the Sower and the Reaper,


God is the Beginning and the End.



from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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