
"God's Only Wish Is for Man to Listen and Obey" | English Christian Devotional Song

"God's Only Wish Is for Man to Listen and Obey" | English Christian Devotional Song 


Since God created the world many years ago,

He’s done a great amount of work on this earth,

He’s suffered the worst of humanity’s rejection

and experienced numerous slanders.

No one welcomed God’s arrival on earth.

They all brushed Him off with such disregard.

He’s suffered thousands of years of hardship.

Man’s conduct long ago broke His heart.

He no longer pays attention to man’s rebellion,

but plans to transform and cleanse them instead.

God’s only wish is for man to listen and obey,

to feel ashamed before His flesh and not resist.

All He wishes for everyone, for all of us today, is to simply believe He exists.


God in the flesh has suffered enough derision

and experienced exclusion and crucifixion;

He has also endured the worst of man’s world.

Father in heaven couldn’t bear to behold this.

He threw back His head and shut His eyes

to await the return of His beloved Son.

God’s only wish is for man to listen and obey,

to feel ashamed before His flesh and not resist.

All He wishes for everyone, for all of us today, is to simply believe He exists.


God stopped asking more of man long ago.

The price He paid is already too high,

and yet man continues to rest easy;

to God’s work they just turn a blind eye.

God’s only wish is for man to listen and obey,

to feel ashamed before His flesh and not resist.

All He wishes for everyone, for all of us today, is to simply believe He exists.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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