
The Church of Almighty God Hymns | "God’s Righteous Judgment Approaches the Whole Universe" | Gospel Song

The Church of Almighty God Hymns | "God’s Righteous Judgment Approaches the Whole Universe" | Gospel Song


Verse 1

To the universe comes righteous judgment.

All men grow faint-hearted and fearful,

because the world in which all mankind dwell

is a world where righteousness is unknown.


Pre-chorus 1

And when the Sun of righteousness appears,

the East will be lit up, then the whole universe.

If man can carry out God’s righteousness,

then there would be nothing to fear at all.



The time has finally arrived.

God’s work He will start to perform,

He will reign as King among men.

God is on the point of return,

and He is about to depart.

For this all have hoped and they wished.

God will let all see His day’s arrival,

let them welcome this day with bliss.


Verse 2

God’s people long for the coming of His day.

They wait for God to bring retribution,

yeah, and to set the destination of man

in His role as the Sun of righteousness.


Pre-chorus 2

God’s kingdom is now coming into shape

above the universe, His throne holds sway

among the hearts of trillions of people.

With angels’ help, God’s great work will soon be attained.



The time has finally arrived.

God’s work He will start to perform,

He will reign as King among men. 

God is on the point of return,

and He is about to depart.

For this all have hoped and they wished.

God will let all see His day’s arrival,

let them welcome this day with bliss.


Verse 3

 All of God’s sons and God’s people await,

longing for Him to reunite with them.

With bated breath they wait for His return,

never to be separated again.


Pre-chorus 3

How could the innumerous populace 

of God’s kingdom not race towards each other

in celebration because He is with them?

Could this gathering come at no cost, at no cost?



The time has finally arrived.

God’s work He will start to perform,

He will reign as King among men.

God is on the point of return,

and He is about to depart.

For this all have hoped and they wished.

God will let all see His day’s arrival,

let them welcome this day with bliss.



God is noble in all the eyes of men.

He is proclaimed in the words of them all.

When God finally makes His return,

enemy forces He’ll conquer in full.



The time has finally arrived.

God’s work He will start to perform,

He will reign as King among men.

God is on the point of return,

He is about to depart.

For this all have hoped and they wished.

God will let all see His day’s arrival,

 let them welcome this day with bliss,

 let them welcome this day, this day with bliss.

 from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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