
Praise Hymns "God's Words Are the Forever Unchanging Truth" | 2020 Chinese Worship Song

"God is the supplier of our life and the only guide for mankind.

Friends, I’d like to share with you a Hebrew psalm,  “God's Words Are the Forever Unchanging Truth”

. The lyrics says, “God’s words are the truth, forever unchanging. God is the supplier of life, and man’s only guide …” This reminds me of the words of Psalms, saying, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”(Psalms 119:105)

I was deeply moved by this psalm. Indeed, God is our guide. Whatever difficulties and dangers come upon us, as long as we come before God and accept the guidance of God’s word, then we have a path of practice. Since I believed in God, when encountering setbacks or feel pained, through praying to God and reading God’s words, I feel release and freedom and have the motivating power of life. We have experienced that we obtain power of life and peace and joy when living by God’s word. Thank be to God! Let’s listen respectfully to this beautiful psalm."


Praise Hymns "God's Words Are the Forever Unchanging Truth" | 2020 Chinese Worship Song


God’s words are the forever unchanging truth. God is the supply of life for man

and the only guide for mankind.

The worth and meaning of God’s words 

are not determined by whether they are recognized or accepted by mankind, 

but by the substance of the words themselves. 

Even if not a single person on this earth can receive God’s words

the value of His words and their help to mankind 

are inestimable to any man.


Therefore, when faced with the many people 

who rebel against, refute, 

or are utterly contemptuous of God’s words,

His stance is only this: 

Let time and facts be God’s witness 

and show that His words are the truth, the way, and the life. 

Let them show that all He has said is right, 

that it is that which man should be furnished with and, moreover, that which man should accept.


God will let all who follow Him know this fact: 

Those who cannot fully accept His words, those who cannot practice His words, 

those who cannot find a purpose in His words, 

and those who cannot receive salvation because of His words, 

are those who have been condemned by His words and, moreover, have lost His salvation, 

and His rod shall never stray from them.

Let time and facts be God’s witness 

and show that His words are the truth, the way, and the life. 

Let time and facts be God’s witness 

and show that His words are the truth, the way, and the life,

the truth, the way, and the life.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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