
2020 English Christian Song | "Speak Your Heart in Prayer to Have the Holy Spirit's Work"

2020 English Christian Song | "Speak Your Heart in Prayer to Have the Holy Spirit's Work"
Verse 1
None can lack communion with God.
Without prayer you live in the flesh,
you live in the bondage of Satan.
Without true prayer you live in darkness.
God hopes that the brothers and sisters
are able to truly pray every day.
This is not adherence to doctrine.
There has to be an effect obtained.
Verse 2
The lowest standard God requires
is for hearts to be opened to Him.
If men give God their heart, speak their truth,
then God is willing to work in them.
God doesn’t want a man’s twisted heart,
but He wants his pure and honest heart.
If man doesn’t speak his heart to God,
then God doesn’t work or touch man’s heart.
Prayer is of utmost importance.
When the Spirit’s work is received in prayer,
then your heart is touched by God.
The strength of your love for God comes forth,
when you pray with your heart.
But if you don’t open your heart and commune,
then God will have no way of working within you.
Verse 3
Thus, the most crucial thing about prayer
is to speak the words of your true heart.
Tell God your flaws, rebelliousness,
and completely open up to God.
Then your prayers will interest God,
or else God will hide His face from you.
You must keep your heart at peace before God,
do not depart your heart from God.
Verse 4
Use prayer to keep things as they are,
when you don’t gain a new, higher view.
You must have prayer so you don’t regress.
This is the least that you must do.
All must enter this reality,
and have conscious training in prayer.
Seek the Spirit’s moving, don’t just wait.
This is what a true seeker of God does.
Prayer is of utmost importance.
When the Spirit’s work is received in prayer,
then your heart is touched by God.
The strength of your love for God comes forth,
when you pray with your heart.
But if you don’t open your heart and commune,
then God will have no way of working within you.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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Here are 3 principles to help you understand how to pray so that God will listen. Only by praying effectively can we gain faith and strength from God to get through the hard time. Read now to learn more.


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