
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "Only by Living Out Reality Can You Bear Witness"

2020 Christian Devotional Song | "Only by Living Out Reality Can You Bear Witness"



People with truth are those who,

in experience, stand firm in testimony,

firm in their position, on the side of God,

without ever retreating, obeying God till death,

having a normal relationship with those who love God.

Your practice and expressions

in real life are God’s testimony,

what man should live out.

This is truly enjoying God’s love.

When you reach this,

the due result will be achieved.



You’re possessed of real living out,

every action looked up to by others.

Your appearance is plain, but you live a life of piety.

When you share the words of God, you’re enlightened by Him.

Your practice and expressions

in real life are God’s testimony,

what man should live out.

This is truly enjoying God’s love.

When you reach this,

the due result will be achieved.



You’re able to speak God’s will through your words,

speaking reality, knowing much of service in spirit.

You’re candid in your speech,

decent and upright, not disruptive,

able to obey God’s plans,

standing firm in your testimony.

When things befall you, you are calm and composed.

This is the kind of human being

that has truly seen God’s love.

Your practice and expressions

in real life are God’s testimony,

what man should live out.

This is truly enjoying God’s love.

When you reach this,

the due result will be achieved.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs



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