
2020 Christian Devotional Song | "Offer Up Your Loyalty in God's House"

2020 Christian Devotional Song | "Offer Up Your Loyalty in God's House"


Verse 1

On earth, all sorts of evil spirits

are always on the prowl:

They’re looking for a place to rest,

for human bodies to devour.

Under no circumstances must you

behave as in the past,

and do one thing before My face,

then another behind My back.


Pre-chorus 1

You’ll be beyond redemption

if you behave like this.

Haven’t I said these words enough to you?



My people!

Remain inside My care and protection.

My people!

Don’t let yourself be dissolute or reckless!

My people!

Do offer up your loyalty in My house.

Only with loyalty can you rebuff the devil’s wiles.

My people! My people!


Verse 2

It’s because man’s very nature

is hopeless

I have reminded you of this

time and again for your own sake.

All that I say is to ensure

the destiny of yours.

What Satan needs is just a place—

a foul and filthy one.


Pre-chorus 2

The less you’re likely to be redeemed,

the more dissolute you are,

and the less you’re likely to be restrained,

the more bad spirits will invade you.



Once you’re in this position,

your loyalty will turn to idle talk,

will turn to idle talk,

your resolve eaten up by demons,

turned into disobedience and Satan’s wiles.

You will disrupt My work,

so I may punish you with death.

Yet no one really cares,

although the situation is severe.



My people!

Remain inside My care and protection.

My people!

Don’t let yourself be dissolute or reckless!

My people!

Do offer up your loyalty in My house.

Only with loyalty can you rebuff the devil’s wiles.



I won’t remember what was done,

but are you going to wait

for Me to be lenient toward you

and next time forgive you again?

Though man opposed Me many times,

I won’t hold it against him,

for man’s stature is really short,

so I don’t make high demands.

All I require is that man

should submit to restraint

and never dissipate himself.

Is it beyond you to obey?


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs



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