2020 Christian Devotional Song | "People Gained by God Have Possessed the Reality of Truth"
God is a practical God: All of His work is practical,
all of the words He speaks are practical,
and all of the truths He expresses are practical.
Everything that is not His words is vacuous, non-existent, and unsound.
Everything that is not His words is vacuous, non-existent, and unsound.
Today, the Holy Spirit is to guide people into the words of God.
If people are to pursue entry into reality,
then they must seek reality, and know reality,
after which they must experience reality, and live out reality.
The more that people know reality,
the more they are able to discern whether the words of others are real;
the more people know reality, the fewer notions they have;
the more people experience reality,
the more they know the deeds of the God of reality,
and the easier it is for them to break free from their corrupt, satanic dispositions;
the more reality people have, the more they know God
and the more they detest the flesh and love the truth;
and the more reality people have,
the closer they come to the standards of God’s requirements.
People who are gained by God
are those who are possessed of reality, who know reality,
and who have come to know God’s real deeds through experiencing reality.
The more you cooperate with God in a practical way and discipline your body,
the more you will acquire the work of the Holy Spirit,
the more you will gain reality, and the more you will be enlightened by God,
and thus the greater your knowledge of God’s real deeds will become.
If you are able to live in the present light of the Holy Spirit,
then the present path to practice will become clearer to you,
and you will be more able to separate yourself
from the religious notions and old practices of the past.
Today reality is the focus: The more reality people have,
the clearer their knowledge of the truth,
and the greater their understanding of God’s will,
the greater their understanding of God’s will,
the greater their understanding of God’s will.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
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