
2021 Christian Song | "Can Those Who Don’t Accept the Holy Spirit’s New Work See God’s Appearance?"

2021 Christian Song | "Can Those Who Don’t Accept the Holy Spirit’s New Work See God’s Appearance?" 


Till His management work is finished,

God’s work has never ceased, He’s always been busy.

God has never halted, but mankind is different.

Having gained just a little of the Spirit’s work,

he treats it as if it will never change.

Having gained just a little knowledge,

he doesn’t follow God’s footsteps to the newer work.

Knowing a little of God’s work, man can’t help but believe

the way God’s been until now is how He’ll always be.

Having become certain about one stage of the work,

man can’t accept the new work no matter who proclaims it.

These people can’t accept new work.

They are too conservative.

They can’t accept new things.

They believe in God but reject Him.

Only those who follow the footsteps of the Lamb

until the very end can gain the final blessing,

while those who lose their way before they reach the end

yet think they’ve gained everything

are incapable of witnessing the appearance of God.


They cut God’s new work short, without any good reason,

still they’re sure that God will take them up to heaven.

They abide by the Bible, but their words and deeds are foul,

for they are deceitful and do evil, they fight the Spirit’s work.

They can’t keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit.

They cling just to the old work.

They’re not only disloyal, but become God’s opponents

and the ones who will be punished.

Are there any more pitiful than them?

Only those who follow the footsteps of the Lamb

until the very end can gain the final blessing,

while those who lose their way before they reach the end

yet think they’ve gained everything

are incapable of witnessing the appearance of God.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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