
The Church of Almighty God App—A Tool to Build a Good Relationship With God

The Church of Almighty God App—A Tool to Build a Good Relationship With God

My friend Dave is a Christian. He works in a company as the department manager and needs to be away on business often. Recently, my husband and I met with him at a friend’s wedding and we chatted a lot. While chatting, I got to know that Dave often went on a trip for business lately, almost having no time to read God’s words and do spiritual devotions. He feels his relationship with God is not normal. After finishing his work in a day, he always feels empty in his heart … This is the common state of many people who are busy with their work. Before, I neither had time to do my spiritual devotions for different reasons, which caused my relationship with God to become more and more distant. Afterward, I installed the Church of Almighty God App and got my difficulty solved. So I recommended this App to him, telling him: Dave, you can try to download this App, it is very rich in content. On your way to work or home, you can listen to the song about God’s love, it can help us relax physically and mentally. During the break time of your work, you can enjoy the humorous skits and crosstalk, gaining the truth in a relaxing atmosphere. What’s more, this App contains all kinds of God’s words pertaining to our different spiritual state, which can help us solve our various difficulties. With this App, you can still get close to God and maintain a good relationship with God even if you are busy with your work. Dave immediately searched and installed this App, the smile spread across his face.


Do you want to follow the Lamb’s footsteps and feast with the Lord? The Church of Almighty God app brings together millions of the words uttered by Almighty God, Christ of the last days; all sorts of hymns and gospel film resources. These allow you to attend the Lamb’s wedding feast and enjoy the living water of life.