
"What Is True Faith?" | New English Gospel Song With Lyrics


"What Is True Faith?" | English Christian Song With Lyrics



What does faith refer to?

It's genuine belief

and true heart man should have

when they can't touch or see,

when God's work doesn’t align

with notions humans have,

when it is beyond reach. 

This is the faith God speaks of.


Verse 1

People are in need of faith

in refinement and hardships.

And with faith comes refinement.

These things are not separate.

No matter your surroundings,

or how God may work in you,

try to seek the truth and life,

have God's work done within you,

seek to understand God’s deeds,

act according to the truth.

This shows your genuine faith,

and hope in God you don’t lose.



At all times pursue life and satisfy God's will.

This is genuine faith, love true and beautiful.


Verse 2

When you are being refined,

do not have doubts about God.

You should still pursue the truth

and seek to truly love God.

No matter what work God does,

practice the truth to please Him,

seek and consider His will.

This means your true faith in Him.



At all times pursue life and satisfy God's will.

This is genuine faith, love true and beautiful.



When God said you'd reign as king, you then loved Him.

When He showed Himself to you, you pursued Him.

But now when God is hidden, and now when you can’t see Him,

and when troubles have come up, do you now lose hope in Him?



At all times pursue life and satisfy God's will.

This is genuine faith, love true and beautiful.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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